ADHD masterclass

About the ADHD Masterclass with Rebecca Challoner


This masterclass will delve deeply into ADHD in both children and adults and look at many of the most important areas and affects of ADHD. Rebecca will help participants to not only thoroughly understand all areas of ADHD but also strategies to help parents, adult ADHDers, educators and other professionals to provide the best strategies and support to the ADHDer in their life.
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to spend an entire day working with Rebecca Challoner, going deeper into ADHD than you would get any where else.
For parents this will provide you the opportunity to understand and support ADHD to such an extent in one day that would usually take years of research and learning, with strategies that you can take away and effectively use immediately.
For educators or other professionals working with people with ADHD, you will gain such advanced and meaningful ADHD learnings that you will be in a perfect position to comprehensively support all future ADHDers that you will work with.
For adult ADHDers and partners of adult ADHDers, you will not only develop an in depth insight into your own brain and it’s inner workings, you will gain information and strategies that will benefit your relationships, your career or employment, your friendships and your happiness and wellbeing.

 About Rebecca Challoner 

As well as being the CEO and Founder of My Spirited Child and the National PEKE Centre, Rebecca Challoner is also a Writer, Presenter and Trainer on diverse needs, learning difficulties and behaviour. Most importantly Rebecca is Mum to two boys who have ADHD one of which also has Cognitive Challenges. Rebecca herself also has diagnosed ADHD as does her Husband.

Rebecca is currently a member of the Reference Council at the Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health at Monash University as well as currently working with Monash University to develop their Research Framework.

Rebecca has written hundreds of articles, two eBooks, numerous short books and guides as well as being in the process of writing a full length book on Understanding ADHD. Rebecca has provided support to parents and educators all over the world. And has featured in countless magazines, newspapers and radio shows as well as presenting a full length DVD Documentary. Rebecca has also worked alongside many incredible organisations, including consulting to Special Olympics Australia. In 2020 Rebecca was delighted to be announced as an AusMumpreneur Gold Award Winner and in 2024 Rebecca was awarded with a third place at the Women Changing the World Awards in London presented by the Duchess of York.

Rebecca has numerous qualifications including Sociology and Psychology. As well as a Law degree with Honours. Rebecca has also attended many courses and trainings on neurodivergent conditions as well as other emotional and psychological challenges and conditions.


The Seminar will run from 11am until 4pm AEDT and will include a break as well as a Q&A session.

This is a fantastic opportunity to join a leading expert on this topic that is important to many. This truly is a remarkable  opportunity to gain a tremendous insight, knowledge and learn strategies that will be life changing to you and the child you support.

Please note: Our previous seminars have sold out prior to the event so we recommend booking quickly to avoid disappointment.

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