Victorian ADHD Conference

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Lachlan Rowe

Christina Keeble

‘Being Who We Are’

Lachlan Rowe is a Disability Advocate, Lived Experience Board Member of Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs APQAC, Darwin City Council Accessibility and Inclusion Advisory Committee Member.
Lachlan has spent the majority of his career working in community services, public policy and health services. He struggled with his mental health from very early childhood, unaware of why. Following his eldest sons difficulties and the suggestions of experienced clinicians, he was diagnosed with Combined Type ADHD at the age of 31. He has committed himself to challenging stigmas and driving change at the community and legislative level, for his son, himself, and everyone struggling or striving with mental wellness.

In this presentation, Lachlan will give insight into the journey of a child having a non-typical presentation of Combined Type ADHD, how discovery and diagnosis allows validation and healing, and encouraging resilience through advocacy.