As well as being the CEO and Founder of My Spirited Child and the National PEKE Centre, Rebecca Challoner is also a writer, presenter and trainer on diverse needs, learning difficulties and behaviour. Most importantly Rebecca is Mum to two boys who are ADHD, one of which also has an Intellectual Disability. Rebecca herself also has diagnosed ADHD as does her husband.
Rebecca is currently a member of the reference council at the Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health at Monash University, as well as currently working with Monash University to develop their research framework.
Rebecca has written hundreds of articles, 2 eBooks numerous short books and guides as well as being in the process of writing a full lengh book on understanding ADHD. Rebecca has provided support to parents and educators all over the world. And has featured in countless magazines, newspapers and radio shows as well as presenting a full length documentary. Rebecca has also worked along side many incredible organisations including consulting to Special Olympics Australia. Rebecca has won numerous awards for her work and in 2024 Rebecca received an award at the Women Changing the World Awards in London, presented by the Duchess of York.
Rebecca has numerous qualifications including Sociology and Psychology. As well as a Law Degree with Honours. Rebecca has also attended many courses and trainings on Neurodivergent conditions as well as other emotional and psychological challenges and conditions.